Wednesday, October 5, 2011

1500 point Shrike Thoughts

The local gaming community in Austin has been talking about reducing the size of standard pick-up games from 2000 points to a smaller number between 1850 and 1500. It has been a long time since 1500 points was the normal around town; 10 years maybe? Anyway it got me thinking about the differences in army list construction between 1500 and 2000.

After being used to 2000 for so long, 1500pts created quite a dilemma for me during army list construction. There is just not enough points to fill out two HQ slots, all the scoring units necessary for a 5 objective game, and the necessary Elite/Fast/Heavy slots to do the heavy lifting/killing.

Recently I've been toying around with a Shrike list, with heavy component of scouts, as a change of pace from Khan or Sicarius. I am hoping that the reduced price of my scoring units will leave me enough points left over to still bring a strong army at 1500pts.

Captain Shrike
Chaplain; jump pack, digi-lasers, melta bombs

Tactical Squad*10; power fist, combi-melta, melta gun, multi-melta
Drop Pod; locator beacon

Scouts*10; sniper rifles, combi-plasma, heavy bolter
Scouts*10; power fist, teleport homer

Assault Terminators*5; thunder hammers*3, lightning claws*2

Assault Marines*8; power first
Attack Bike; multi-melta

Devastators*5; missile launcher*4

~the idea is pretty simple. Infiltrate as close as possible with the assault scouts and assault marines+characters and hope for a first turn assault with both. Tac squad drops in first turn, combined with decent weight of fire from the sniper scouts and devs to weaken enemy before termis deep strike ASAP. It is a very aggressive army with a fairly major weak link: 20 scouts making up the majority of my scoring models. After a few games I'll post how it does. Any thoughts or words of wisdom for using Shrike or Scouts?


  1. I think deepstriking your termies is a waste, infiltrate them with shrike & the assault scouts. With fleet your assault marines have a chance of a first turn assault without the infiltrate.

  2. To go even further, I'd say you should strip down the Tactical squad, and find the extra points for an even larger Assault Terminator squad to infiltrate, how many do you have painted, eight? Either way I think you should take off the Tac squad PF, you know that squad is in a suicide role anyway. You could completely take out the Tacticals and get 5 more Assault Terminators and another Attack Bike, maybe camo cloaks on the snipers...
